About Holy OilsVicarDoug
Reception of the Oils at the Parish
by Paul Turner
Each year a parish receives fresh sacramental oils
blessed by the bishop. The people may formalize this event with a ritual called..

 "The Reception of the Holy Oils Blessed at the Chrism Mass."

Added to the rites of the Catholic Church in 1989,
this reception may take place at the evening Mass on Holy Thursday or on some other day after the Chrism Mass but before the beginning of the Triduum. 

If the reception takes place at the Holy Thursday Mass, a large number of people may take part. But the liturgy for Holy Thursday is already quite elaborate, so a parish could opt to receive the oils more simply at a daily Mass during Holy Week.

The oils are prepared in suitable vessels. Members of the assembly carry them forward to start the procession of the gifts.

The presenter of the oil of the sick announces the
name of the oil. The priest prays that those anointed
with it may experience the compassion and love of

 All respond, "Blessed be God for ever."

The presenter of the oil of catechumens announces
the name of the oil. The priest prays that those preparing for baptism may be strengthened by Christ to reject evil. 

All respond, "Blessed be God forever."

The presenter of the holy chrism announces the name of the oil. The priest prays that those baptized, confirmed and ordained may experience the gift of the Holy Spirit. 

All respond, "Blessed be God forever."

The oils are then placed on a table or in an ambry in
the sanctuary or at the baptismal font. The bread and wine are brought forward, and Mass continues as usual.